Este sitio está siendo publicado en Internet para que podamos hacer una reflexión sobre la violencia, sus causas, consecuencias, los métodos utilizados y cuando está prohibido, permitido, tolerado y deseado, aun. (por escribano Valdemir Mota de Menezes)
sábado, 13 de agosto de 2011
Present civil police officer Reginald stating that: passer-by, when asked by the local populace, to intervene in a fight. At the site was arrested a teenager with a machete in hand, having even informed that he had taken the knife from the hand of his brother, James Louie, as his brother had fought with the butcher Jose Augusto. In the same place, butcher and Luiz were arrested after a fight. Both have light bruises. Led to the police station where it was drawn up police reports and the knife was seized. The fight would have occurred because, according to Louis, his mother had reported that Jose Augusto would have called her to make a "dummy" (oral sex) in it, a charge the butcher, José Augusto denies. nothing else
Enregistred by scribe Valdemir Mota de Menezes
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